Elevating recovery for active duty service members and their families around MTFs across the country.
Elevating Recovery. Transforming Lives.
NuLife Med’s unique military-civilian synergy elevates practice outlooks and transforms patient outcomes.
Veterans Administration Facilities (VA)
Elevating recovery for veterans and retirees through VA facilities and community care across the nation.
Workers' Compensation
Elevating recovery for workers’ compensation patients and practices through unique Jointly DME® offering.
Unparalleled Recovery:
NuLife Med's Cutting-Edge Therapies and Personalized Support
NuLife Med’s state-of-the art at-home therapies combined with stellar, caring, personalized support provide our patients the very best recovery outcomes following bone and joint surgeries.

The leading solution for orthopedic rehabilitation and it offers a significantly better option than traditional rehab methods.

Smart continuous passive motion therapy reduces joint stiffness, prevents atrophy, and improve range of motion.

Top-of-the line intermittent pneumatic compression addressing swelling, pain, range of motion, and clot protection.
NuLife Med has 15 years’ experience, elevating recovery and transforming the lives of 55,000 military and civilian patients.